Call for Papers for NPEC 2023
Due to many requests, the submission deadline has been extended to 15th Aug., 2023. This is hard deadline and paper submission will close after that.
Important Dates
Start of Paper Submission 15th Feb., 2023
Paper Submission Deadline 31st July, 2023
15th Aug., 2023 (Final deadline)
Paper Acceptance Notification 30th Sep., 2023
Camera-Ready Paper Submission Deadline 31st Oct., 2023 (Final deadline)
Final Registration Deadline 31st Oct., 2023
Conference Date 14-16 Dec., 2023
All the accepted and presented papers shall be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 20% of the presented papers might be eligible for further review to be published in the IEEE Industry Applications Society periodicals (IAS Transactions, Magazine).
Instructions for Paper Submission for NPEC 2023
The papers can be submitted to any of the relevant Track or accepted Special Session.
Submit IEEE two-column format .pdf file not exceeding six (6) A4 size pages (maximum size 2MB). The paper template can be downloaded from following link:
IEEE - Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings
The paper will go for single blind review. The authors should clearly mention their names and affiliations in the paper.
The paper must include an abstract of about 200 words and a maximum of five keywords.
Submitted papers will go through plagiarism check. Papers having similarity scores of 30% or above are liable to be rejected without further review.
Authors of the accepted papers will be informed by email. Information about necessary revisions will be communicated to the corresponding author through email.
The authors will have to incorporate the suggestions and will have to send the revised camera ready copy of the paper in the given time limit. Moreover, it is not possible to add or remove names to author list once a paper is accepted.
It is mandatory for at least one of the authors to register in non-student category for publication of the paper in proceedings.