Call for Student Poster Presentation at NPEC 2023

To share research work and creative ideas with other attendees, we cordially request students to take part in the Student Poster Presentation (SPP) of NPEC 2023. This is a great chance to get feedback, and connect with other like-minded professionals in your field. The NPEC 2023 will have popular keynotes from experts, tutorials and regular papers.

 Important points for the SPP submission 

The last date to submit Poster is 25.11.2023. 

We will notify the outcome by 27.11.2023. 

Once the submission is accepted, then the student will have to register for the conference and present a poster during NPEC 2023.

The poster Session will be on 16th Dec. 2023, 1 pm to 2 pm at the lobby of Conference Center